Duration 04/2022- 03/2024
What was 3P about?
The central question of this project was how we at KIT can involve students in feedback and decision-making processes as easily and broadly as possible.
To this end, a concept was developed and tested to implement short surveys among students in an uncomplicated and data protection-compliant manner. These surveys should serve to improve studies and teaching and make a positive contribution to the feedback culture at KIT.
If you are interested in the developed concept or have general questions about the possibilities of obtaining student feedback at KIT, please contact us!
Details of the Project

What does this mean?
What does this mean?
At KIT, various stakeholders (KIT faculties, university groups, student representatives, central academic institutions, etc.) require information from students at short notice - whether to estimate the number of required in-person workstations, to obtain feedback on a new learning location or to obtain feedback on studyability and well-being under pandemic conditions. The last few years in particular have shown how important, but also how difficult, it is to generate reliable data in a short space of time.
Concept of the project 3P@KIT
Concept of the project 3P@KIT
The 3P@KIT project created the basis for a secure and easy-to-use survey tool. A comprehensive concept was developed in which the following topics, among others, were clarified:
- Who has which needs?
- Are there conflicting objectives that need to be taken into account?
- Which software is suitable?
- What additional materials can be designed and provided?
In order to meet the needs and requirements of the various stakeholders as well as possible and to constructively resolve any conflicts of objectives (which may arise, for example, from data protection and data security requirements or from the desire for reliable data on the one hand and survey fatigue on the other), the project is designed to be participatory. The participants were brought together in a moderated process and can thus also learn from each other.
Process of a short survey
Process of a short survey
The process included the following steps:
- Stakeholder analysis
- Needs analysis and status quo analysis
- Concept development
At the end of the one-year project period, a concept was presented in which these and other questions identified in the process were clearly presented and answered.
The project was a cooperation of STS-QM and HoC-SQ/Methods Laboratory.
Duration 04/2022- 03/2024
Funding: KIT quality assurance funds