Reporting Emergencies and Malfunctions

In case of accidents and emergencies, use the following phone numbers:

  • Standard internal emergency number for Campuses North, South, West, and East, 24 hours, Medical Services, Fire Department, Campus Security, Radiation Protection (on-call service): 3333
  • From outside of KIT´s fixed network: 0721/608 3333
  • From your private mobile: 0721/608 3333
  • From your business mobile (Vodafone): 3333



KIT´s Emergency Control Center (Alarmzentrale) will then take the necessary measures and guide the task forces to the place of the emergency, coordinate the task forces, and ensure internal communication.

To be able to help and to call help, employees are requested to have a look at the emergency concept. The Safety Officers and first-aiders responsible for your work area will be pleased to provide additional information.

In case of malfunctions of technical equipment and repairs needed, employees of KIT can contact the Service Control Center (Serviceleitstelle) by calling 5555.

Other contact options and a link to enter a ticket with a short instruction (in German) are provided on this website of the Facility Management Business Unit (FM).

On the Intranet, FM offers web forms to report malfunctions or cleaning needs, to apply for telephone connections (University Responsibilities), to register as a contact in case of malfunctions (University Responsibilities), and to request a room for events. To use these web forms, registration with your complete KIT email address or with your KIT log-in name and the corresponding password is required.

For information on malfunctions, repairs, and changes of SCC services, click here:

Reports (malfunctions, repairs, information)

Service News