Committee Support
Below you will find all information about the KIT committees as well as the forms for the Executive Board meetings (PS and PS+) and the meetings of the KIT Senate.
Contact: Committee Support (STS-GB)

Supervisory Board of KIT
The Supervisory Board monitors the development and profiling of KIT and ensures framework conditions that enhance the performance and competitiveness of KIT. Among other things, it elects the full-time members of the Executive Board and decides on the structural and development plan as well as the constructional development plan. The KIT Supervisory Board consists of eleven members and meets three times a year.
Supervisory Board Office / Deputy Head of Committee Support
+49 721 608-41107
ar-geschaeftsstelle ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Executive Board meetings PS and PS+
The Executive Board manages KIT on a collegial basis according to the departmental principle. It is responsible for the fulfillment of the mission and the strategic orientation of KIT towards the Supervisory Board, politics, administration, economy and society. Among other things, it is responsible for appointments, the economic and financial plan and the distribution of funds to the departments for the institutes as well as to the administration and infrastructure. The Executive Board currently consists of six members and meets every 14 days at the Executive Board meeting (PS), at which resolutions are passed. Every 14 days, the Executive Board meets together with the Division Heads and the Heads of the Service Units in the Executive Board Plus meeting (PS+), which serves as a discussion forum to prepare decisions.
- Rules of procedure of the Executive Board (as at June 2024)
- Process guidelines (as at October 2023)
- Form A PS resolution template (as at October 2024)
- Form B PS discussion template (as at October 2024)
- Form C PS+ discussion template (as at October 2024)
Support of Executive Board Meetings (PS(+))
+49 721 608-41108
gremien-praesidium ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu
KIT Senate
The KIT Senate acts as an internal parliament and decides in matters of research, teaching, studies and further education in accordance with the KIT Law (KITG) (only in german). Among other things, it confirms the election of the members of the Executive Committee and comments on the structure and development plan. In addition, he advises the Commission of Funders, the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee on important scientific and technical issues. At the monthly meetings of the KIT Senate, which are usually not open to the public, the elected members from the groups of university lecturers at KIT take part in the large-scale research and university task, the academic employees, students, doctoral candidates and other employees. The KIT Senate also includes ex officio the President, the member of the Executive Committee responsible for business and finance, another member of the Executive Committee, a department head, one of the Equal Opportunities Officers, and a representative of the Staff Council. Other members of the KIT Senate with an advisory vote are the other members of the Executive Committee and department heads by virtue of their office, as well as a representative of the student body. A member of the Young Investigator Network (YIN), an accepted doctoral student, two students and the representative of KIT on the Supervisory Board also attend the meetings of the KIT Senate as guests without voting rights. In addition, the KIT Senate can admit additional guests for its respective term of office or for individual meetings.
Forms and Documents
- Resolution template (as of October 2024)
- Rules of Procedure of the KIT Senate (as of 2023)
The KIT Divisions are organized in disciplinary terms and combine research, teaching, and innovation of the institutes, KIT Departments, and Helmholtz programs assigned to them. KIT is divided into the five divisions "I: Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering", "II: Informatics, Economics, and Society", "III: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering", "IV: Natural and Built Environment", and "V: Physics and Mathematics". Each division is headed by a division head who is assisted by a division council. The "Bereichsleiterrunde" consists of five members and meets fortnightly. It serves as a planning and discussion forum to prepare for division-wide decisions.
Support of "Bereichsleiterrunde"
+49 721 608-41109
gremien-bereichsleitungen ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu