KIT Card

All KIT employees receive a KIT Card. This chip card serves as a company ID card and can optionally be used as a wallet (e.g. in the cafeterias and the canteen on the South Campus or in the "Casino" canteen on the North Campus), a visual ID card for access to the North Campus, an access card for buildings, vehicle entry authorization, a library card or for recording working hours in the time management system of the respective location. The KIT Card is issued in the registration desk at Campus South (for employees in the university area) or at Campus North (for employees in the large research area).
Under the " FAQ for Employees" under the point "How do new employees receive their KIT Card?" you can find out the different procedures for issuing the KIT Card for employees at Campus North or Campus South. Information on the location, opening hours and contact details of the registration desk can be found under this link.
The contact persons for activating the KIT Card for KIT premises or buildings can be found on this website (in German only).
The use of the KIT Card as an access card to the KIT premises is only possible upon separate application, the application for a vehicle access permit at Campus South can be accessed via this page (in the FM-Link- and Downloadcenter under Gebäudemanagement Nord/Süd, in German only). You can reach the contact person responsible for this at Campus South by e-mail at gms-schluessel-cs ∂ kit edu. Further information on the entrance and parking facilities in the individual campus areas can be found under the heading "Parking and Access to the Campus".
If you have a KIT Card, you can also register it as a library card free of charge. To open an account, you will need your access data from the Scientific Computing Center (SCC), which you will receive by separate mail. After opening your library account, you will be able to borrow books and place orders via interlibrary loan. To activate your KIT-Card for use of the library, use the online form, which you can access via this page.