Legislation Underlying Your Work at KIT
Work of professors at KIT is based on the Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges (LHG, Landeshochschulgesetz), as amended, and the provisions of the Civil Service Act of the State of Baden-Württemberg (LBG, Landesbeamtengesetz) and the Federal Civil Servants Status Act (Beamtenstatusgesetz). If legal requirements are fulfilled, professors are appointed civil servants for life in principle. In this case, they have a relationship of civil service and trust to their employer. University professors with a civil servant status are subject to the same rules as civil servants in general, if not otherwise provided. As an alternative, a fixed-term or permanent service contract may be concluded under private law. In this case, the employment relationship is governed by that contract.
Professors from EU member states and Switzerland can be appointed civil servants without any further clearance being required. In case of citizens from a third country, a separate clearance procedure is initiated.
University professors are authorized to give instructions to the academic staff members in their area of competence.