Research Office

The Business Unit (DE) Research Office (FOR) informs, advises and actively supports scientists in the acquisition of research funds and in the coordination of research projects. As the central DE, FOR supports the successful implementation of the KIT Research Strategy.
Researchers receive funding advice and support from FOR for publicly funded third-party projects in the application and initiation phase for funding programs and instruments from the DFG, federal government, state, foundations, Helmholtz, EU or other international funding bodies. FOR also offers close support and supervision for proposals in the DFG's Coordinated Programs - e.g. Collaborative Research Centres, Transregios, Research Training Groups - and other strategic alliances. FOR also provides information on calls for proposals for science prizes and supports nominations of KIT scientists for top-class prizes.
Current funding announcements relevant to KIT are regularly published on the intranet. You can have the latest calls for proposals on your topic sent to you by e-mail subscription.
The FORscience department offers an in-depth, additional range of services for applicants and coordinators of collaborative projects - regardless of the third-party funding provider. FORscience takes care of administration and coordination during the application phase as well as project management during the implementation of research projects.