Reporting and Follow-Up

The follow-up procedure refers to all follow-up measures of the course evaluation that contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching.

The starting point for the reporting and follow-up process is the LQI (teaching quality index). The LQI is an indicator that shows the satisfaction of students with the courses they have attended. The LQI is formed from six quality guidelines (called LQI questions) and is represented by a traffic light.

More information about the LQI.


The follow-up process takes place each semester at three different levels:

  • Level 1: The course

After the individual teaching evaluations took place, the lecturers present the results in the course and discuss them with the students.

  • Level 2: KIT Faculty Board, Study Commission, Dean of Studies

The Quality Management Department (STS-QM) prepares a semester report on teaching evaluation for each KIT faculty/teaching unit and makes it available to the responsible persons. This report contains information on all evaluated courses (e.g. the LQI). Based on this, the results and possible follow-up measures are discussed in cooperation with STS-QM.

  • Level 3: Vice President for Teaching and Academic Affairs and the Senate Commission for Teaching and Learning

The Quality Management Department prepares a semester report on teaching evaluation for the entire KIT and makes it available to the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching via the Vice President for Teaching and Academic Affairs. This is accompanied by a discussion between the vice president and STS-QM.