Press Office

Current Topics and Competent Contact Persons

The Press Office prepares exciting and socially relevant topics from KIT for the regional, national, and international media. We inform the media about latest research results as well as new developments in teaching and outstanding innovation projects. We support journalists in their inquiries and arrange interview partners for their questions. Please feel free to contact us!


Current Press Releases
No. Date Image Title
080 17.10.2024 2024_080_Erstsemesterbegruessung_72dpi
079 16.10.2024 2024_079_Philipp Niemann uebernimmt Geschaeftsfuehrung des NaWik_72dpi
078 14.10.2024 2024_078_Keine signifikanten PFAS-Emissionen durch Abfallverbrennung_72 dpi
077 11.10.2024 2024_077_Policy Briefing_72 dpi
>> Further Press Releases