Project BESSEr@KIT

A project to strengthen student participation within the university and student engagement.

Realizing participation opportunities for students at KIT - increasing visibility and strengthening commitment.

In short: BESSEr@KIT


Besser@KIT Visualization

Why is student participation so important? Why is your participation so important for KIT and for you as students? What added value does participation have?

You don't know how you can do something to make a difference? Here, in the BESSEr@KIT project, you will always get to know new opportunities for participation.


  1. All of you as students are part of KIT - that's why student voices should be heard! You are all part of a community that you can and should help to shape and improve.
  2. Participation has the following advantages for you personally:
    • You will gain insights: why is the course of study/program the way it is? What can I do to change and improve things?
    • Thinking outside the box: What else can I learn at KIT outside my field of study? How can I expand my skills? How does it work in other degree programs? Do they have similar problems?
  3. You become part of a community: You are not from Karlsruhe? Or do you lack contacts at the "big KIT"? Then you can get to know people in different participation formats who may feel the same way or who can help you!


Duration 05/2024- 03/2026

Funding: KIT quality assurance funds