Quality Management and Services

Welcome to the websites of the quality management for studies and teaching at KIT

The Quality Management Department is responsible for the core elements of central quality management at KIT. The quality management concept for the areas of study and teaching follows the mission statement for study and teaching (only available in German) at KIT, further information can also be found in the QM handbook (only available on the intranet, in German). Including the perspectives of all stakeholders involved is of great importance to us. We therefore offer KIT members support in the following areas: 

Sticker und Schreibunterlagen KIT
Präsidiumsgebäude KIT

program evaluation of teaching and studies

Lehrveranstaltung KIT
Course evaluation
Studierende diskutieren KIT
Student Surveys
Box mit Schloss-Symbol KIT
Suggestion Box
Gehirn KIT
Idea Management
Papierfragebogen KIT
Survey Management
KIT Puzzle KIT
QM Projects

If you have any questions, you will find the relevant contact person on the subpages for the respective subject areas or on our team page.

All information on quality management in doctoral studies/PhD programs can be found on the KHYS website.