KIT - Research-based Education (LehreForschung)

Within the framework of the federal-state program for improved study conditions and more quality in teaching (Qualitätspakt Lehre), support of students and teaching quality at universities are to be increased. Between 2011 and 2020, the Federation will provide about EUR 2 billion for this purpose. The funds will go to 186 universities in all 16 federal states.

KIT - LehreForschung

The KIT - LehreForschung (Research-based Education) project is aimed at implementing academic education based on research throughout KIT. Students are to be integrated in research projects at an early stage and teaching quality is to be improved according to the principle of "research-based education".

Research-based Education

Education at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is to qualify students to become independent thinkers able to identify needs of action, deal with complex problems, and develop sustainable solutions. Qualification is based on thorough scientific and research-oriented education and the acquisition of additional soft skills.

Upon completion of the 1st funding period, the 2nd funding period with the approved follow-up project KIT - LehreForschung-PLUS (KIT research-based education PLUS) started on January 01, 2017.

For publications and scientific contributions resulting from the project please use the German version.