Dual Career Networks and Cooperations

Dual Career Network of the Karlsruhe Region

The systematic support of dual career couples ensures that institutions benefit increasingly from great advantages in the competition for top scientists, specialists, and executive staff. The successful effective support of the respective couples, however, depends strongly on a solid network of cooperating partners.

To win over highly qualified persons from science and industry for the Karlsruhe region, a Dual Career Network was founded on initiative of KIT in May 2013. The participating regional research and educational institutions have agreed to assist one another regarding the support of dual career couples.

The objective of the network of cooperating partners is to establish solution models ensuring a smooth and even long-term professional integration of such couples in the Karlsruhe region.

Dual Career Network Cooperations

Dual Career Network Oberrhein

Besides, KIT is member of the dual network of the EUCOR universities. 


The German Network “Dual Career Netzwerk Deutschland DCND“

Within the Dual Career Netzwerk Deutschland (DCND), numerous dual career services of universities throughout Germany have joined forces.